Li Wanjun, a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC), is a senior technician and chief operations expert. He began work in the now-defunct Changchun Bus Factory in August 1987, and soon became expert at welding. He won a national welder-skills competition in 2005, came first in a Changchun-based competition in 1997, 2003 and 2007, and was named“a welding master of high-speed rail” in 2011.

Zhang Yuzhu, a native of Xuanwei City, Yunnan Province, graduated with a degree in Agriculture from Yunnan Radio and TV University (Yunnan RTVU) in 2006. She is now the legal representative and general manager of Xuanwei Huifeng Edible Fungi Development, legal representative of Xuanwei Huifeng Edible Fungi Cooperative, and a representative to the Qujing Association for Science and Technology.

On 25 June 2019, the first learning workshop for outstanding young teacher candidates at the Open University of China (OUC) officially launched at Weishanzhuang Conference Centre, kicking off a three-year research and learning programme for training outstanding young teachers.

According to the Constitution of the Academic Committee of the Open University of China (OUC), the Economics Sub-committee of the Second OUC Academic Committee held its first plenary session of 2019 in Xi'an from 18 to 19 June, with the goal of strengthening the construction of the Economics Sub-committee and promoting the development of the Economics discipline and majors.

Yu Hongmei, a member of the Communist Party of China, was born poor, with a paralysed father and two younger sisters. At 20, she took her father and sisters to live with her and her new husband, a poor man whose mother was suffering from mental illness, in a neighboring village.

Cao Jia, deputy head of Shannxi Shangyou Opera Entertainment, majored in of Administrative Management at Xi’an Radio and TV University from 2012 until 2015.

Zeren Wangmu is editor-in-chief of Sichuan National Education News and vice-chair of the Social Welfare Association of Aba Daily. She received a three-year Bachelor degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Maerkang RTVU, and benefited a great deal from the work-study format in which the programme was run.

Li Hongwei, a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the Party secretary and director of the Shenyang branch of the Prison Administration Bureau in Liaoning Province. During his thirty years of working as a policeman, he has remained true to his mission, and has had no regrets about remaining loyal to the Party, the people, and his profession.