Wen Laicheng graduated from Renmin University of China, the School of Finance and was awarded a doctor’s degree in June 2006. He did research in the postdoctoral research station of the School of Economics, Renmin University of China from July 2003 to September 2005.


He is a professor, director of Public Administration Centre, vice dean of School of Government Management of  Central University of Finance and EconomicsHe is a member of the China Society for Public Administration, a member of the China Association of Policy Science, and an expert in the databank of Chinese Public Administration.

Research  directions

His major research is focused on public finance theories, public service administration, and urban finance and urban public management.

He has led or participated in several research projects of the National Fund in Philosophy and Social Science, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, Beijing Municipality and Gansu Province.

He has been honored with the second prize of Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science of Beijing Municipality, Yong Jin Youth Academic Award, the first prize of the 2008 Excellent Papers of Chinese Public Administration Society.